viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

CSR Research Colloquium 25th July 2011- textiles pre-Roman Italy and beyond

The next CSR Research Colloquium will take place on Monday 25thth July
from 2 to 3 pm in No 9 Montague Street, Conservation Meetings Room.
Dr Margarita Gleba (Institute of Archaeology, UCL) will talk about "From
sheep to textiles: investigating wool fibre development in pre-Roman
Italy and beyond".
The paper presents the methodology and some of the results of the
project FIBRE (/textile Fibre in Italy Before Roman Empire/, 2009-2011),
which aims to deepen our understanding of the development of textile
fibres in the Apennine peninsula (Italy) in pre-Roman times through a
systematic collection of data and analysis of wool fibre samples
obtained from archaeological textiles. The data collected provides a
much clearer and more elaborate picture of the development of textile
fibres used and their profound impact on technology, agriculture, animal
husbandry and society in Italy from prehistory until Roman period.
If you plan to come along, please notify the CSR office (x8678) so that
sufficient seating can be provided.

Dr Michela Spataro
Scientist (Ceramics and Stone)
Department of Conservation and Scientific Research
The British Museum
Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DG

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